
Over the years chocolate like other products that had a good start, became a product containing less of the “good stuff”, cacao, and was treated with pesticides and is still to this day associated with child labor. Fair Trade is making an attempt to give it a more politically correct position. Recently, we have seen chocolate elevated to a high rank on the nutritional pyramid. It is no longer a grocery store “no-no” product laden with sugar and empty calories and zero nutrients.

It is now considered a superfood! It has the highest source of magnesium in nature. It has more antioxidants that the much talked about red wine, goji berries, pomegrantes, and blueberries. Not to mention higher than both prunes and raisins. It is also high in selenium, copper, calcium and zinc. How’s that for a comeback. God created “Mother Nature” knows exactly how to support human beings.

It is a power food! A drug in several ways. How? It elevates your mental well-being and mood by triggering three neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and phenylethylamine. This is part of the reason we love chocolate. It has a wonderful effect on the body.

This evidence is not new — the upper echelon of ancient cultures consumed it in its raw bitter form as a drink for this very reason. It made them feel like god and was thought to bring them closer to their gods. Wow what a euphoric level of pleasure.

Chocolate, we gift it, we crave it and we savor it. Now we can enjoy without guilt!

Check out our Chocolate Products at

United States Theobroma Tree in Hawaii


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