Rethinking the Lasagna

Do you know all your options for creating layers in your lasagna as an alternative to pasta. Don’t get me wrong. Pasta is yummy and has a place in our diet but let’s be selective about when we use it. That’s right! I don’t intent to give pasta a bad rap; but it is in the same category as white bread, white rice, and potatoes. All of which trigger a cycle of food cravings. How? After you eat them your body gets a spike of sugar introduced into your bloodstream. The response is for the body to release insulin.

Your pancreas makes insulin which allows sugar to enter your cells, lowering the amount of sugar in your blood. What next? Because you blood sugar went up quickly it could release more insulin than necessary. The extra, causes the blood sugar level to then drop lower than normal creating a cycle to crave more carbohydrates. Then you end up eating more food, more often!

On to enjoying lasagna … I haven’t perfected my lasagna yet, but it is sure fun trying. Just think, try layering with zucchini, or squash; but, then there are also mushrooms. Wait a minute and take it a step further with eggplant. The possibilities are almost endless. If you are brave, you can even use cabbage.

I consider lasagna to be a very satisfying comfort food. How about you?


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